Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Reflections on "Changing the Face of Poverty," by Diana George

"Poverty is a strange and elusive thing. . . . We need always to be thinking and writing about it, for if we are not among its vivtims its reality fades from us."-Dorothy Day, quoted by Diana George

It was a great privelege to hear Diana George speak in person, as she is one of the leading theorists in the field of visual communication as well as being widely published. I enjoyed her presentation. I especially liked the slides pertaining to the assignment she gave her students that she called a viusual rewrite. I thought it was moving, and yet bold, that one of the students chose to do a visual re-write about the tragic events that occurred on the Virginia Tech campus not so long ago.

Moving on to her article, "Changing the Face of Poverty," Diana George makes clear that poverty is like a court case for a dss child. If the child is not properly represented, the case will not hold up in court. She seems to be telling her reader the same thing. . .it's all in the picture/visual image. Everything that the public needs to know has to be present in order to be moved by the effort.

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